Massage Mat for Acupressure Points
Needles on a mat may not look like somewhere you would like to lay down to rest. However, plastic acupressure points can provide many benefits such as stimulating your body to improve and rejuvenate your circulation
Acupressure has been used for thousands of years in different cultures. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but your body will soon get accustomed; it is recommended to lay down approximately 20 minutes per day several times per week until you experience relief. Using the mat one time most likely will not provide immediate benefits. Leave it somewhere visible as a reminder to use it frequently.
Although there are many new medical treatments available, always consult your physician first before beginning something new for chronic symptoms. In Europe, more doctors recommend acupuncture than they do in the west. This is a simple acupuncture method of pointed florets can provide some minor relief especially if you have tried everything else and still seeking comfort like its inventor did.
A music teacher, Ivan I. Kuznetsov, encountered insecticide that he believed was the cause of a few ailments including chronic pain. After trying several unsuccessful treatments, he discovered that only acupuncture improved his symptoms and he put together a similar mat; he later submitted it for a patent in 1979, calling his product, Iplikator. Many clinical studies followed and several users claimed to have benefited from the mat including some who suffered from insomnia for many years.
Measurements: Mat: 26” L x 16” W; Pillow: 14”L x 5”H
Weight: 2 lb
Care: To clean, do not machine wash or machine dry since the pressure points can be damaged in the cleaning process. Remove foam core and gently wash by hand. Do not use bleach.
For further reading on history of the acupuncture mat:
(Bauer, M. – The Healing Power of Acupressure and Acupuncture, Penguin Books Inc. USA, 2005 / 2. Chernavski, D., Karp, Rotshtdt, M. – “On Neurophysiological Mechanism of Acupuncture Therapy” – The Physical Instit. of Russian Acad. of Sciences, 1991, No 150 / 3. Taken from: “”)